Items for Sale - CSA 8, 2¢ Red Intaglio on Cover

Printer: Archer & Daly. 

4453 4453

CSA 8, 2¢ brown red tied RICHMOND / VA // JAN / 28 cds on homemade cover to "Floyd L. Whitehead, Assessor CS Tax, Roseland, Nelson Co., Va"'; Nelson County is in central Virginia bordered on the east by the James River and on the west by the Blue Ridge Mountains; scarce CIRCULAR RATE, SCV $1,500.

7751 7751

CSA 8a, 2¢ pale red tied by CHARLESTON /  S.C. // DEC / 21 cds on locally used cover to the State Bank. $900.

13872 13872

CSA 8, 2¢ brown red with minor double transfers in both TWO CENTS and POSTAGE, tied by neat CHARLESTON / S.C. // FEB / 9 / 186_ cds on local drop cover addressed to Assistant Surgeon G. W. Garmany, 1st S.C. Artillery, Half Moon Battery, Charleston, S.C. with manuscript "O.B." (Official Business) and “The P.O. Charleston SC” at top, [SC] Wonderful medical local drop use which comes with unpublished and very detailed bio courtesy of the F. T. Hambrecht & J. L. Koste biographical register of physicians who served the Confederacy in a medical capacity. SCV $1,500. $1,300.


CSA 8, 2 ¢ brown red (3 singles) and CSA 7, 5¢ blue single tied together on back flaps of cover which overpaid the 10¢ rate, addressed to William Crawford Esq., Mount Sidney, Augusta, Ga. This appears to be contemporaneously misaddressed to Georgia, as the only Mount Sidney was in Augusta County, Virginia. The 5¢ blue was damaged prior to use, two of the 2¢ stamps torn upon opening; open on 3 sides and slightly reduced with light vertical creases. 2001 CSA Certificate #04005. Very unusual and scarce use. Very unusual combination franking.  $950. Listed in both CSA 8 Covers and CSA 7, Section 2 

16255 16255

CSA 8, 2¢ brown red strip of 5 with right sheet margin at right used to sealed back flaps of cover tied with three strikes of SCOTTSVILLE / VA. // SEPT 1864 cds. Per the 1976 PF Certificate, “the third and fourth stamps are damaged by opening and are now mended and are genuinely used on cover.” A fourth strike of the postmark, dated Sept, is used on the obverse and is addressed to well-known nurseryman Franklin Davis, Staunton, Va. with content docketing indicating correspondent was Jno. O. Lewis. SCV $4,500. $3,000.

Mrs. Jno. O Lewis buried jewelry near their chicken house which went undiscovered while the Yankees stuffed hams in their knapsacks and strapped dead chickens to their saddles. More information on the linked page.

7867 7867

CSA 8, 2¢ brown red tied RICHMOND / VA. / Nov / 4 (1864) to Leatherwood, Virginia; part of homemade wrapper (most of back missing) made from a letter with significant historical content regarding the governor of Georgia. Rare adversity use to create a newspaper wrapper made from a portion of a handwritten letter that reads in part, "[we learned] this morning that Governor Brown has deserted the Confederate cause and gone with the Federals calling upon all Georgia Soldiers to throw down their arms and follow him. Of course I do not credit this in the least; but just mention it for the purpose of illustrating the great demoralization which has so recently & so unnecessarily seized the people ..." Great historical content, piece of lower left corner restored. Ex Cipolla. $1,000.

16719 16719

CSA 8, 2¢ brown red (small defects) tied MOBILE / ALA // AUG / 17 double circle datestamp on small cover to Master Henry Fonde (son of Charles Henry Fonde of Mobile), Care of Mrs. Mary Owen Dean, Spartanburg, South Carolina. Used with Mobile [DUE] 10 handstamp showing woeful UNDERPAYMENT OF POSTAGE Interesting use. $850.

17100 17100

CSA 8, 2¢ brown red tied by RICHMOND / Va. // SEP / 23 / 1863 cds on legal size semi-official cover with manuscript “Treasury Department C.S.A., Second Auditor’s Office, Official Business,” to Mrs. L. C. W. McDowell, Care of Capt. G. A. Barksdale, Richmond, Va., light water stain at left cover edge and slightly reduction.  $1,400.

George A. Barksdale served as Quartermaster in Field & Staff of the 16th Virginia Infantry.

Listed in both Imprints and CSA 8 Covers

7864 7864

CSA 8, 2¢ brown red tied by DANVILLE / VA. cds on unsealed envelope to “W(illiam). A. J. Finney, Esq., (Pittsylvania County) Museville, Va.” thus confirming that this is the SCARCE CIRCULAR RATE as opposed to local drop use. Few trivial edge faults. Ex Littlejohn and Cipolla. Civil War era Finney correspondence is in Duke University Library with many references to the slave trade. $950.

18013 18013

CSA 8, 2¢ brown red—two copiesused with single CSA 7 tied by two strikes of CHARLESTON / S.C. // JUL / 14 double-circle datestamp on cover to Mrs. Arthur M. Lynch Care of Dr. Ogin, Newberne, No Ca, with no indication of postage due, small edge faults and repairs not mentioned on 1987 CSA certificate. RARE UNDERPAID USE AND MIXED FRANKING OF TYPOGRAPHED AND ENGRAVED ISSUES. Ex Brandon and Kilbourne. $1,900.

11363 001 11363

CSA 8, 2¢ brown-red tied bold SELMA / ALA // OCT / 22 cds on cover to Maj. W. T. Wallthall (sic), Comdg Post, Talladega, Ala, with O.B. at upper left (Official Business) and Chg [box] 65 above stamp which is overhanging edge of cover, stamp corner torn off and secured back in place; TURNED COVER franked with pair of CSA 12 and addressed to Mrs. Hamilton P. Snow, Gainesville, Sumter County, Alabama. Cover fully exploded to show both sides. The 2¢ rate is a bit of a mystery as it is not a local drop rate (towns > 100 miles apart) and does not appear to be a circular use. $700.

Major William T. Walthall commanded Company I, 12th Alabama Infantry, Rodes’ Brigade, D.H. Hill’s Division, 2nd Corps, Army Northern Virginia. Military records, which are numerous, earlier show him as captain and Recruiting Officer & Acting Assistant Quartermaster.

19311 19311

CSA 8, 2¢ brown red strip of five, slightly irregular margins, tied by PITTSYLVANIA / C.H. / Va. // NOV / 17 cds on TURNED COVER to George D. Wise, Esq., Care of Gen. H. A. Wise, Charleston, S. Carolina; inside bears defective CSA 11, 10¢ blue, tied by RICHMOND / Va. // NOV / 1? cds, some minor wear, addressed to Mrs. Geo. D. Wise, Pittsylvania C.H., Va. UNUSUAL TURNED COVER WITH EXTREMELY RARE COMBINATION FRANKING. Ex Keeling. 2005 PF certificate 0427991, Scott value for just the strip of 5 on cover $4,500. $3,750.

George Douglas Wise and Henry Alexander Wise brief biographies on linked page.


19312 19312

CSA 8, 2¢ brown red strip of five, tied by 3 strikes of ATLANTA / Ga. // MAY / 26 cds on adversity cover made from printed military form (Commutation of Rations) to Mrs. Dr. Jas Eugene Bell,  Anthony Shoals, Elbert County, Georgia; right stamp with small thin spot and light crease, cover repair at right and reduced all four sides. RARE USE OF CSA 8 STRIP ON ADVERSITY COVER, 2008 CSA certificate, SCV $4,500. $1,600.

19399 19399

CSA 8, 2¢ brown red (4 close margins) tied by AUGUSTA / Ga. CDS on cover to R.D.B. Taylor Esq., Athens, Ga. with ms. “circular” at upper left. Signed (pencil) Stanley B. Ashbrook guarantee on verso. 1997 CSA certificate 03126. Circular uses are far scarcer than drop uses. SCV $1,500. $850.

Richard Deloney Bolling Taylor served in Company F of Georgia 3rd Battalion State Guard Cavalry. More information on linked page.

19400 19400

CSA 8a, 2¢ pale red first printing with large to huge margins all around and tied neat blue target; no town postmark, used on long NEWSPAPER WRAPPER to I. Jarrett, Huntsville, N.C. with a couple vertical file folds, math figures, known correspondence, Ex Keeling, SCV $1,500. $650.

Isaac Jarratt information on linked page.  LE

19401 19401

CSA 8, 2¢ brown red (3 margins to just touching at bottom) tied by lightly struck CAMDEN / S.C. // JUL / 4 CDS on small drop cover to Mrs. Ann C. Salmond, Camden, S.C. SCV $1,500. $650.

Ann C. Cook Salmond was married to Dr. E.A. Salmond. They were residents and founding families of Camden, S.C., and related to the prominent Cantey family.

20138 20138

CSA 8, 2c brown red, second printing horizontal strip of five, large margins except left stamp that has two small nicks at top, tied by bold strikes of RICHMOND / Va. // OCT / 28 /1863 CDS on fresh cover to Miss S. W. Carmichael, Dixie P.O. Fluvanna County Va., 1991 CSA certificate. A Scarce Showpiece. SCV $4,500. $3,500.

20610 20610

CSA 8, 2¢ brown red (4 margins) with socked-on-the-nose RICHMOND Va. SEP 9 1863 circular datestamp on on Office Commissioner of Taxes imprinted legal size cover drop use to Wm. Green Esq Tax Collector Richmond Va. Matching letterhead from Thompson Allan, Commissioner who returns the duplicate report of Collections of War Tax which has several errors and Allan asks to Green to make the necessary corrections and return the same. Slightly reduced at right, covers creases and some back flap repairs. Handsome use.  Ex Ralph Swap. LL  $1,400.

20611 20611

CSA 8, 2¢ brown red (light horizontal crease) tied RICHMOND VA MAR 30 CDS on adversity cover fashioned from 1864 State of Virginia Executive Department circular, 1997 CSA certificate 03029, addressed to Messr. Magruder & Bro. Union Mills Fluvanna Co. Va. Ex Ralph Swap. $1,250.


CSA 8, 2¢ brown red (small faults) tied CHARLOTTESVILLE VA October 3 circular datestamp drop use on fresh TURNED COVER locally addressed to George Carr Esq. Charlottesville, Va. Inside use CSA 7, 2 singles of 5¢ dark blue pen canceled with manuscript “Junction Va Mar 26th/63” to Mrs. Wm. T. Early, Charlottesville, Va. Ex Engstler Charlottesville collection and Ex John Vagnetti. Listed both in CSA 8 Covers and CSA 7, Section 1. $700.

George Carr was a prominent Charlottesville attorney. Short bio on linked page.


CSA 8, 2¢ brown red strip of 5 (close to large margins all around) tied by triple strike of FAYETTEVILLE N.C. MAR 18 circular datestamp on neat cover with boldly penned addressee Mrs. Susan Holland, Hillsboro, N. Carolina. Penciled note on verso from Ezra D. Cole stating it was in the Judge Emerson collection 11-20-(19)37 as well as dated signature of (August) Dietz 12-8-37. Lovely showpiece with great provenance. SCV $4,500. $5,000. 


CSA 8, 2¢ brown red (4 large to enormous margins showing parts of two adjacent stamps, bit of gum staining) tied neat RICHMOND VA. SEP 8 on unsealed cover to James Newman, Orange C Ho (Court House) Va, indicating scarcer circular use; bit of cover staining. More likely than not, this may have been James F. Newman of Virginia Orange Light Artillery. SCV $1,500. $750.


CSA 8a, 2¢ pale red FIRST PRINTING, tied RICHMOND Va. SEP 18 1863 circular datestamp on cover to Miss Sue T. Holt, Richmond Va. Care of Mr. I.T. Heath, with 1997 CSA certificate 03026 which does not mention the light pre-use crease in the stamp Very Fine. SCV $1,500.  $650.


CSA 8a, 2¢ pale red drop use tied by SUMTER S.C. FEB 13 CDS on locally addressed dark blue cover to Miss Martha Barttlett Sumter So Ca penned in charming floral flourishes. Very Fine and Showy, possibly a Valentine use. SCV $1,500. Ex Sam Zimmerman. $1,200.

New 06-02-24

CSA 8, 2¢ brown red tied RICHMOND Va. JAN 24 (1864) cds (type 6) on drop cover to G. T. Box No 955 Richmond Va which could plausibly be G. T. Beauregard. 1997 CSA Certificate 02951 says “lower right corner of stamp missing” but I find that a bit harsh – “rounded corner” would be a kinder description. Ex Harry Muldrow. SCV $1,500. $700.

New 06-02-24

CSA 8, 2¢ brown red (faulty) tied RICHMOND Va. JUN 2 (1864) cds (type 6m) on drop cover front (no back) to Mrs. I. M. Meredith Care Rev I Meredith Richmond Virginia. Ex Harry Muldrow. SCV $1,500 for full cover. $200.

New 06-02-24

CSA 8a, 2¢ pale red (4 margins) tied RICHMOND Va. JUL 6 (1864) cds (type 5f) on drop cover to Miss Julia ? Care Dr Blair Bushnell Corner of Leigh & Sixth Streets Richmond Virginia and Kindness of Mrs. Hooper. The cover may have been dropped in the PO before it could be hand delivered by Mrs. Hooper. Ex Harry Muldrow. SCV $1,500. $850.

New 06-02-24

CSA 8, 2¢ brown red vertical strip of 5 paying the 10¢ rate tied RICHMOND Va. OCT 22 1863 cds (type 5d) on cover to Capt. H. F. Browns Drane Lynchburg Va. 1988 CSA certificate 01735 which states “cover repaired and stamp edges all damaged” which is overly enthusiastic. The stamp strip was irregularly separated but not “damaged;” part of left top edge of cover replaced. Ex Peter Powell and Harry Muldrow. SCV $4,500, CCV $5,000.  $1,750.
