Items for Sale - Thomas Jefferson, 10¢ Blue Lithograph

Hoyer & Ludwig (H), J. T. Paterson (P), Stone Y (Y) - CSA Catalog designations


CSA 2-Y, 10¢ light milky blue Stone Y (Scott 2e), tied RICHMOND Va. partial town cancel on piece.  $425.


CSA 2-Y, 10¢ light milky blue Stone Y (Scott 2e), tied AUSTIN TEX partial town cancel on piece, 2005 CSA Certificate noting the 1862 year cancel is in error. $475.


CSA 2-P, 10¢ blue Paterson (4 margins) tied on piece by large Canton Miss grid, bit scuffed at bottom margin, Extremely Fine appearance. $220.


CSA 2-P, 10¢ blue Paterson used with WARTRACE N&CRR railroad oval, thins at right corners otherwise Very Fine, Scarce. SCV $530. $450.


CSA 2-P, 10¢ blue Paterson tied on piece with double strike of blue LYNCHBURG Va. CDS, faint crease at upper left. $250.

20193 20193
CSA 2-P, 10¢ blue Paterson lower right sheet margin pair, positions 99-100, small edge faults, tied by neat GRIFFIN Ga. CDS on piece, Ex Crouch. $450.
19442 19442
CSA 2-Ha, 10¢ dark blue Hoyer & Ludwig (Scott 2b) left sheet margin used with light TUDOR HALL (VA.) CDS, Very Fine-Superb. $400.
20540 20540
CSA 2-Ha, 10¢ dark blue Hoyer & Ludwig (Scott 2b) ussed with MOBILE (ALA) double-circle postmark,  Very Fine. $400.
CSA 2-Ha, 10¢ dark blue Hoyer & Ludwig (Scott 2b) used with YORKTOWN Va. CDS, 2 shallow thins and lighest crease, JUMBO margins. $225.
CSA 2-Y, 10¢ light milky blue Stone Y (Scott 2e) used with heavy grid, thin at top. $90.

CSA 2-Pb, 10¢ light blue Paterson, used with (WILMI)NGTON NC CDS, Very Fine $300.


CSA 2-Ha, 10¢ dark blue Hoyer & Ludwig (Scott 2b), position 41 (dash in T of TEN plus incomplete frame at left), unused, Fine-Very SCV $700.  $500.

CSA 2-Ha, 10¢ dark blue Hoyer & Ludwig (Scott 2b) crackly original gum, very lightly hinged, tiny spot in top margin (trimmable, if desired), Very Fine-Extremely Fine. $750.
New 01-28-25

CSA 2-P, 10¢ blue Paterson, heavily creased and rebacked spacefiller, SCV $180. $20.
