Items for Sale

Retail Offerings

*To see items for sale, select a category from the drop-down menus at left

Please read Ordering and Sales Policies before placing an order

Email or phone orders welcome too.

Retail inventory is fully searchable via the search engine feature at the top of the page.
There are thousands of Civil War and Confederate stamps and covers at your fingertips.
Net price lists are updated and items removed soon after they are sold.


 New listings added February 6, 2024

I will be giving a presentation at the Garfield-Perry March Party on Saturday, March 15, 2025:
“The Springfield Facsimiles of Confederate Postage Stamps. Plus, a brief TASCO History”

Newest listing additions by category and date added
Click on "newest listing additions" above to check for new lots as they are uploaded

See Search Engine Hints for a short tutorial on how best to use the search engine

If you do not get my quarterly e-newsletters but want to keep
abreast of the latest news and offerings, click TrishTalk to sign up.
Next issue coming the end of February 2025
